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Advantage | 5 Strategies for Transitioning from Outdated IT Legacy Systems

Written by Advantage | Feb 19, 2024 4:45:00 PM

Replacing outdated legacy IT systems is a pressing challenge, especially for senior IT professionals in multi-location enterprises.

Outdated systems, once reliable, now struggle to keep up with the significant advancements in security and connectivity that have emerged in recent years. In some cases, systems are decades old, which only complicates an already enormous undertaking.

Overcoming the limitations of legacy systems is critical to enhancing operational efficiency and security. This shift goes beyond technology upgrades; it transforms how businesses operate in an interconnected world.

In this article, we'll explore strategies to navigate this transition effectively, focusing on the unique needs of multi-location enterprises.

How many companies still use legacy systems?

Legacy systems remain surprisingly common in today's businesses. While these systems are integral to many operations, they're often outdated and lack modern features like advanced cybersecurity or reliable network connectivity.

Forbes recently reported a striking figure: over two-thirds of businesses rely on outdated mainframe or legacy applications for their core operations, with a significant portion also powering customer-facing software.

This reliance on antiquated technology hinders operational efficiency and exposes companies to heightened security risks and potential system failures.

Why do companies still use legacy systems?

Despite the critical need for modernization, many enterprises remain tethered to these legacy systems.

This is due to one of several reasons: lacking the information or niche skillset to choose the best replacements,  budget, or being overwhelmed with the research and selection of providers, the replacement process, and the need to avoid system downtime underlining a widespread challenge in the corporate tech landscape. 

Often, IT Teams and CIOs feel the existing infrastructure is “good enough” and don’t realize the inefficiencies they harbor, nor the substantial—and increasing security risks.

How do you modernize a legacy system?

Modernizing a legacy system is a complex yet crucial process for any enterprise seeking technological advancement.

This task demands meticulous planning due to the vast amounts of data and these systems' personalized, intricate structures. The complexity escalates as companies often deal with layers of accumulated data and customized system configurations, each requiring careful handling during migration.

Organizations risk data loss, operational disruptions, and prolonged downtime without a strategic approach. All of which impact business continuity and client trust.

The success of modernizing legacy systems depends on embracing the following key strategies.

1. Build a comprehensive migration plan

A comprehensive migration plan is the cornerstone of a seamless transition from legacy systems to modern technologies.

The plan outlines the steps for data migration and incorporates critical testing phases and strategies to minimize connectivity downtime.

It involves a detailed assessment of existing data structures, ensuring their integrity during transfer while preparing for potential challenges.

This approach mitigates risks by emphasizing thorough testing and contingency plans, ensuring business operations continue smoothly without significant interruptions.

Creating a well-structured migration plan is pivotal in modernizing IT infrastructure and balancing technical demands with operational continuity.

2. Embrace modern technologies

Embracing modern technology is a strategic move for any multi-location business aiming to replace outdated legacy systems. Adopting new technologies offers significant benefits, such as enhanced efficiency, greater scalability, and bolstered security measures.

Senior IT professionals can leverage the expertise of Managed Service Providers (MSPs) like Advantage, who are well-versed in the latest technology, the advantages, limitations, regulations, suitability, and providers for different environments.

This choice ensures access to a broad spectrum of tech solutions, which is especially beneficial for global companies needing insights into providers in different regions.

Partnering with a knowledgeable MSP is a strategic decision, enabling businesses to modernize with technologies that align with their specific operational needs.

3. Manage stakeholder communication

Effective communication with stakeholders is pivotal in transitioning from legacy to modern systems. This involves maintaining transparency, setting clear expectations, and proactively addressing concerns.

Effectively navigating stakeholder communication requires detailed planning and change management, especially when the system transition impacts numerous end users.

By engaging stakeholders through every transition phase, organizations can foster a sense of involvement and ease the transition process, mitigating resistance and confusion.

Managing stakeholder communication is not just about conveying information but about collaboration and building trust, which are essential for a successful technological transition.

4. Ensure data security during the transition

Data security is a critical component during the migration process from legacy systems to modern technologies.

Ensuring the confidentiality of data involves implementing robust encryption and secure data transfer protocols. Maintaining data security is particularly important for large data environments.

Companies must adhere to compliance standards and take steps to safeguard data against breaches and unauthorized access throughout the transition. Focusing on security protects sensitive information and reinforces the company's commitment to responsible data handling.

The emphasis on data security during IT system transitions maintains trust and fosters compliance with ever-evolving data protection regulations.

5. Continuous monitoring and optimization

After migrating to new IT systems, maintaining a close eye on them and regularly making improvements is crucial.

A close eye means consistently checking how the system functions and confirming it stays aligned with the business's growing needs. Companies can quickly find and fix issues using straightforward tools and methods, keeping their systems working well.

Regular checks and updates make the system more reliable. They also ensure the investment in new technology pays off by staying up-to-date. It also guarantees the right to scale and adjust as the business expands or contracts.

Continuous monitoring and optimizations are crucial for keeping modern IT systems efficient, especially in a world where technology is constantly changing.

Tip for success: Partner with telecom MSP experts 

Partnering with a Managed Service Provider (MSP) specializing in telecom and networks is vital for IT legacy system migration with the best outcomes.

Like a travel agency, their free service model negotiates favorable rates and handles complex implementation tasks.

This partnership results in substantial cost savings and a reduction in complexity, freeing businesses from the technical and administrative burdens of migration.

Choosing Advantage for telecom managed services and legacy system migration is not just about efficiency; it’s about transforming a complex process into a manageable and cost-effective journey.


Transitioning from outdated IT legacy systems to modern technologies is an overwhelming challenge for most multi-location businesses. Why take on such a resource-intensive task when you can hand it off to someone else?

Multi-location companies can navigate this complex process smoothly by following these steps. However, the role of specialized managed services is indispensable in this journey. 

Advantage offers more than just free telecom managed services; it optimizes the complete technology lifecycle. This approach covers design, sourcing, installation, ongoing management, and renewals, making operations more efficient and cost-effective at every stage.

Outsourcing IT legacy system migration to the experts at Advantage simplifies the process, transforms it into an opportunity for enhanced cost savings, and allows Senior IT professionals to focus on the business’s growth.

Discover how Advantage can ease your IT legacy system migration and drive your company forward today.

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